Friday, December 2, 2011

What are some good beginning chess strategies?

I have been playing chess casually for a number of years, I am 15 years old and looking to improve my game, what are some good strategies to learn?

If you could link me some articles to read that would be great as well!|||How good are you? I played casually for number of years and never saw castling.

You could do worse than this book.鈥?/a>|||Well man basically if you wish you can study some openings, defences, and variations! Basically you will more than likely see white move E4 because it helps whit begin control of the center. Control of the center is vital for winning any game of chess, no matter who you are playing against. If you want immediate control of the center you could move B3 (assuming you are white) then move bishop B2 and you will notice that the bishop controls the long diagonal of the board. You can also do this with G3 then bishop G2. Having both bishops control the long diagonals like so is called "fianchetto"

You can also stick with the lines of E4 then Knight F3, which helps control some of the center as well, this can go either way as you'll end up in a Ruy Lopez opening or even possible the four nights game.

Also, depending on the person you are playing, if they are beginners of even a little more advanced, castling seems to throw many people's attacks off mainly because it can actually direct the flow of your attack to one side of the board such as fischer's kings gambit!

And finally if you are ahead even by one piece, encourage the exchanging of pieces as long as they are worth the same value pawn = 1 pt, knight = 3 pts, bishop = actually look at as 3.25pts, rook = 5pts, and a queen = 9pts!

If you would like more help, you can search chess openings on wikipedia, or actually buy an ECO which is an Encyclopedia of Chess Openings!|||1) Don't play fast look at the board and what your doing don't bang your pieces down without any purpose because if you do that your heading straight to defeat against a good Player.

2) The point of the opening is not to launch an all out assault against the King premature attacks with an undeveloped army that are not well thought out are doomed against a good player. Don't throw your Queen out you know 1.e4 e5 2.Qf3 or 1.e4 e5 2.Qh5

3) You want to control the board and choke your opponents army of space and mobility

4) You only attack when the right conditions for attack exist and not before your army is developed and in position!

5) Don't avoid castling #1 priority in the opening is to make sure your King is safe and secure!!

6) Don't make useless checks that don't have a point at all (just wastes time)

7) To size up any position on the board ask yourself these questions whenever your playing a game at a club or online

A) Who is better developed and who controls the center of the board and open lines are there any threats? Is anything being attacked?!

B) Is material on the board even? if it isn't who's ahead? (count the men)

C) Who has a much better pawn structure? did one side make too many premature moves with their pawns? Did your opponent develop awkwardly and didn't give their pieces enough freedom of movement or mobility? Are there any men still on there home squares?

D) Has your opponent avoided Castling his or her King too long and left it in the center? If he has can you get to it?

E) ) Did your opponent disturb the pawn shield around his castled King? can you exploit it?

8) Always assume your opponent will find the best reply!

9) Don't play for traps!!

10) Get your moneys worth when you exchange!

11) Don't cheat if you use software to win your games there isn't a point your not going to get better or be taken seriously by other Players|||An excellent resource can be found that Scroll down and click on the Archive link. Then select the Novice Nook section which will take you to a whole slew of articles written by NM Dan Heisman. They are very good at improving your game. Also, you may want to explore some local chess clubs. Go to to find a list of those.|||You can search on, type "chess strategy"

Maybe my answer help you.

I thought can you see other sources :|||Move center pawns first, then knights, then bishops, basically develop your pieces. here is a good link to a great chess||| read on|||Move your knights out first

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