Saturday, November 19, 2011

What is the total number of chess games that exist?

Every chess game played is a unique game that already pre-exists in the book of all possible chess games. A chess board has 64 squares and 16 pieces per side. Out of which 8 are pawns, 2 rooks, 2 knights, 2 bishops, king and queen. What are the total number of games that can exist? I am assuming the number will be extremely large due to so many possibilities in chess|||This is infinite since any game could be prolonged forever if required.|||That is way beyond my level of mathematics, but to give you an idea of the scale of the problem, each pawn can move one or two squares on its opening move.

Each knight can move to two possible places and there are two knights.

That means that white can make 16+2= 18 possible opening moves

Black can also make 18 possible opening moves, so the first move of the game has 36 possible moves.

The possible combinations of moves will increase exponentially from thereon, and will get a heck of lot more complicated once the pawns are moved and the back pieces can come out.|||An indian and a british mathematician together estimated that there are a total of 10^10^50 chess games.

Hardy and Ramanujan were brilliant mathematicians of their time and i believe they may have nailed it in estimating total chess games.

Read their book, "Ramanujan: Twelve Lectures on Subjects Suggested by His Life and Work (AMS Chelsea Publishing)" 1999.

Page 17 of that book states that an estimated chess games are 10^10^50|||It's been calculated to be approximately 10^123|||there are infinity there is no book for it...

for example u can move the horse back and forward and our rival do the same...the game will last forever...

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