Thursday, November 24, 2011

How can i prepare for the chess world championship?

Ok I am the president of my chess club, and ive won 5 competitions ive gotten more people to join. I hope i can win this with flyng chess colors. How would you prepare for the tournament?|||There is no magic bullet. Get a good night's sleep, eat well (avoid sugar because you will crash), and sit on your hands*.

* The second you take to pull your hands out you might stop yourself from making a blunder.|||Well I can't tell you about the world championships but I can tell you about national championships. My experience says if you have an opening flaw it will be found so play through your openings with a friend/coach. You should have a plan for against e4 d4 c4 f4 Nf3 and e3. Check main lines to about 20 deep at least. I won a game cause someone played a bad move on move 18. I remembered it from my opening book. Make sure you know the plans after your openings. I remembered a book line that was 23 moves deep and blitzed it against a stronger opponent. And then I sat there unsure how to continue with the Grandmaster level tactics. My opponent was about 500 point higher rated than me so he had me beat in about 5-10 moves.

Set out a time usage plan. My coach who was an IM told me on 90min+30sec Fisher I should be spending about 2-3minutes/move, blitzing the opening (cause I should know the theory) and spending 10-12minutes making a plan after I get out of opening theory.

You can't really study middle games, well it's certainly harder. Simple endgames such as K+R+P vs K+R, K+N+B vs K and K+Q vs K+R are handy to remember. Another one that I got lucky with was my opponent didn't know how to R+B vs R against me. It is actually a forced win but it's difficult. You should be good enough at your endgames to play them just off your increment. Of course you don't plan to do this.|||Well, that depends entirely on how much time there is between the tournament and now. If tomorrow? Relax and try to get a good night's sleep. Two weeks? Get a chess puzzle book and just keep sharp. A month? Study endgames and openings. It is still too soon to pick up a 'system'.|||make sure all your students get a ribbon / medal / trophy. little kids love that suff|||sleep

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