Thursday, November 24, 2011

How are people who are good at math and chess looked up on in America?

I know Americans are very bad at math and scientific stuff. In fact, you s*ck at everything math.

But how are the small number of people who are good at mathematics or chess viewed by the majority of the bible thumping population?

You have a label right: nerd, geek?

But people who drink, party, go to bars, and major in business are considered normal.

No wonder this country is a joke: you lose your tech jobs to people from India and menial jobs to illegals from Mexico.

And blame Obama and the government.|||I have aptitude in Math and Physics, ive also played chess for two years and am rated 1900. However, I am not labeled by society. In fact most people who see me playing chess are curious and interested in the game. It seems to come off as intellectual and sophisticated, to a certain extent. It's not that people are ANTI-intellectual. They like it, they're just still too lazy to actually do anything.|||"the majority of the bible thumping population"

Wrong. Fail. Learn something about a country before you go and dis it.|||I Agreee!!!

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