Thursday, November 24, 2011

What is the quickest move to checkmate your opponent in chess?

I suck at chess through and through. The only way I've been winning is by memorizing certain manuevers. Letly I'm getting too tired to keep it up so I just want n easy win.|||Do you enjoy winning without having to do any thinking?

If mastering chess were easy for everyone (like mastering

noughts and crosses = tick-tack-toe), then how worthwhile

would it be for you?

A chess game can be won by mate in only two moves.

Here's how that can happen (moves in algebraic notation):

1. g2-g4 e7-e5 2. f2-f3 Qd8-h4 mate. Black wins the game.|||There's no way to use the same maneuvers for all games because there can be positional restrictions that prevent your pieces from moving to certain places. Also, there's no quickest move (unless your opponent resigns on the first move). There's no such thing as an easy win in chess unless you create it for yourself and those are the most satisfying ones. The strategy for MOST chess games, not necessarily all, is to just develop your pieces (usually minor pieces, aka knights and bishops, first), castle, etc. Also, if there's a chance to win material and to win it safely (ie your opponent blunders), then make sure to take it. That's about is.|||The only way to ensure an easy win, that won't require too much thinking or energy, is to play someone who sucks even worse than you do. You could find someone who doesn't even know the rules, and tell him you will explain them as the game proceeds. Move your pawn out. Now, tell him he needs to move one of his pieces. Whatever he does, say "nice, nice" and then take one of his rooks and place it off the board. Say "rook penalty," and provide a sympathetic look, adding "next time, though, make sure you move one of your rooks." Your opponent will be confused, but tell him that he actually has the opportunity to take one of your knights off the board, because you hadn't "activated" it. Whatever move he makes, whistle (or hum if that's too difficult) and shake your head and say "Oh, but you should have taken my other knight." Remove his king from the board and announce, "Checkmate!"|||Technically, the quickest way possible to checkmate your opponent is two moves.

However, you have to be playing black and the white player has to make a couple of bone-headed moves to start the game. First, white has to move the pawn in front of the king's bishop one or two spaces forward. Black (you) should then move your king's pawn forward one space. Then white has to move the pawn in front of the king's knight forward two spaces. The last move will be black's queen going as far as it can diagonally. Checkmate by black in two moves.

I won an actual game this way in a tournament back when I was in elementary school. My opponent apparently had no idea what they were doing.|||Forget these clowns with their dumb strategies. I actually won medals in High School at State Tournaments in Chess. If you want the FASTEST way to checkmate, its 4 moves. But it'll only work on newbies. As White, move Kings pawn one space. Then move Kings Bishop out %26amp; line it up with opponents pawn that sits in front of his Kings Bishop. Then move the queen in line with same pawn. 4th move is checkmate, move queen %26amp; take that pawn. There are many variables though %26amp; it can be easily blocked with a smart move of a knight, or a pawn or two. But it works if your opponent sux. As for a REAL strategy that could help your game. Try to control the center of the board. And if youre white, be aggressive. If youre black you have to be more defensive because youre always one move behind.|||You can checkmate your opponent in TWO MOVES! And you can do this if you are playing black! How? Follow these simple steps:

Playing black, hope for your opponent (or even better, mentally force him) to open with g4. Make a face like you're deeply impressed with his originality and cunning. Then calmly move your king's pawn up two squares.

Then, when it's white's turn, again mentally force (you'd be surprised how often this works) him to move f3. The game is now over, because you have accomplished your task-- you triumphantly move your queen to h4 and announce in a loud voice: CHECKMATE! Show your teeth when you say it.....|||

1) e2-e4.....e7-e5

2) f1-c4......a7-a6

3) d1-h5.....g8-f6

4) h5xf7 (mate)

this is a mate that EVERY chess player knows, and yes, they also know how to AVOID it

you'll lose your mind if you try to memorize every possible move

youll lose about 1000 games before you start winning, but the good news is everyone starts out the same way|||Well, there is really no perfect way to win at chess. The best strategy i use is to get the queen and bishops able to move early, then corner the king. it shouldn't be too hard with a little practice. Rooks are extremely helpful too.

Good luck!|||First move your 2 side pawns then Move the 2 Castle's out the the max and start Taking all the pieces beside the King and Queen.

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